Tuesday, July 28, 2009

2010 Olympics

Lots of people are really excited about the Winter Olympics coming to
Vancouver in 198 days. Me... Not so much, and ill tell you why. First
let me ask a question:

I'd you had 5 billion dollars, all of which was taxpayer money, would
you use some of it to clean up your city and solve some of the crime/
drug problems we have here? Maybe even just 5 million dollars?

Yeah. Me too.

I think this whole thing is all just a big fanfare of media
assgrabbing and ratings charts and endorsements and commercialism. Do
you know how hard it is to find parking in Vancouver? What if you work
downtown? Or near one of the events centers? There isn't
infrastructure in place to accompany another 800,000 people. There
simply isn't roadway and parking for 700,000 more cars.

Don't get me wrong here. I appreciate sport and competition as much as
the next person. But come on. If you want to be the best in the world
at something... Call guiness book and set the record.

I just hope it all goes smoothly and the economy is lifted a bit by
the influx of consumerism.

- J.

Ashes to Audio

I've still been getting a lot of questions lately regarding the
meaning of 'ashes to audio' as the ep name.

I came up with the name after being in my last band as the drummer and
ultimately being ejected as the person in the band that 'didn't have
enough talent' to do the band any good.

I took that harsh criticism and I have flipped it into something
positive. I want to prove to everyone and myself that I have more
talent in me than I have ever shown before.

- J.

Recording Cont...

So I should be in the studio again this week to finish up the tracking
of guitars. Can't wait, people! The songs so far are sounding
phenomenal! Please stay tuned and follow on twitter for more
frequent updates!
